Commands List

mu auto reset

✅ 1. Reset:

Command: /reset You will receive a specific amount of points and other benefits, according to the Resets Table.

✅ 2. Add and auto add Points:

– Add Point:

Command: /add[type] [amount]

Example: For adding 50 points to Strength, type /addstr 50 For adding 235 points to Energy, type /addene 235

Attributes: str = Strength, agi = Agility, vit = Vitality, ene = Energy, cmd = Command

– Auto Add Point:

Command: /add[type] auto [amount]

Example: For adding 1000 points to Strength, type /addstr auto 1000 For adding 2000 points to Energy, type /addene auto 2000

* If you have 100 free points and level 200 and you want to add the next 400 points into agility then you will write /addagi auto 400 * What will happen? The free 100 points will be added into agility instantly, and the next 300 points that you gain, will also be added into agility – that means from level 200 to 260 all the points will be added into agility automatically even if you are AFK when doing the levels.


  • This command will work even if you re-enter game, get reconnected, etc.
  • To cancel the auto add points command you must write : /addagi auto 0 (instead of agi you should write the stat where you set the points to be added automatically).

✅ 3. Request and Auto Party:

– Request control:

Command: /re or /request [type] [on/off/auto] Each request turns on or off or automates the character.

Example: To not receive any trade or party from anybody. /request off To receive any trade or party automatically from anybody. /request auto To receive any trade or party from anybody. /request on

– Auto Party with Password:

You can set a password to your party, so only players using the password will be accepted.

Example: Command to set the password you must write : /re auto XXXX where XXXX = your random password. After you set up your party password, in order for others to join your party automatically they must also write: /re auto XXXX where XXXX = the same password that you set for your party and then just request party on any user from your party.

✅ 4. Auto Attack & OFF Attack:

– Auto Attack

Command: /attack Character will auto attack using this command

– Off Attack

Step 1: Set up your Mu Helper You should configure your Mu Helper the way you want, with Buffs, Auto Pick, Auto Potion, etc.

Step 2: Go to the place (spot) where you want to leave character Command: /offattack


  • Reconnect screen will appear, close the game immediately.
  • Ready, your character will continue leveling up online while your game client is closed.
  • More information about PK System read here

✅ 5. Jewels / Coins Store & OFF Store:

– Store

Command: /store [type]

Step 1: Setting your Store If you want to place your store in Zen, put price as you like. If you want to open Ruud / Coins / GP, put the price in Zen. To open a Store by Jewels / Zen, just open normally. To open store by Ruud / Coins / GP, it is necessary to use the Command.

Step 2: Opening your Store

Example: /store coin (Opens personal store where you sell items for Coins) /store ruud (Opens personal store where you sell items for Ruud) /store gp (Opens personal store where you sell items for Goblin Points)

– Off Store

Command: /offstore Use this command to sell items while character is offline


  • Reconnect screen will appear, close the game immediately.
  • Ready, your character will continue selling items which you put in store while your game client is closed.

✅ 6. Lock & Unlock:

Step 1: Locking char Command: /lock [password] The password must be in numeral, between 4 and 12 digits. Example: /lock 23991

Step 2: Unlocking char Command: /unlock [password] Example: /unlock 23991


  • The Command locks only your Character.
  • The Player will be able to steal the other characters from the account and vault.
  • Each character of your account must be locked to avoid delete of it by someone.
  • Characters above Level 300 can not be deleted anymore.

✅ 7. Disconnect Friend:

Step 1: Using the Command Command: /lock [password] Use /lock and choose a password. Now type /dcfriend [character] [password].

Example: My nickname is ‘Diamond’ and i type the command: /lock 35343711 and I’m going to sleep. Character died, and my friend if agreed, wants to connect my account to put it back on spot. He types the command: /dcfriend Diamond 35343711

Ready, the account is disconnected and my friend can login to it.


  • This command is parallel to command /LOCK.
  • You will only be able to use /dcfriend if the character has /lock activated.
  • The /lock password is the password used for DCFRIEND, if the /lock is not enabled at least 1 time, it will not work.

✅ 8. Server time:

Command: /clock Shows current Server Time

✅ 9. Extra Vaults:

Command: /vault [number] or /ware [number] Example: /vault 1

  • Main vault/ware number is 0
  • 1 extra vault available for Free players
  • More than 1 extra vaults available for Vip players
  • Items do not lose if Vip expires. Renew Vip to get access to items on extra vaults.

✅ 10. Player Kill:

Command: /pkclear

  • More information about PK System read here

✅ 11. War and Soccer:

Command: /war [guild name], /soccer [guild name]

  • If you want to start a War ‘Event’ between your guild and another guild you must write : /war XXXX where XXXX = name of the guild which you want to go to war with.
  • If you want to start a Soccer ‘Event’ between your guild and another guild you must write : /soccer XXXX where XXXX = name of the guild which you want to play soccer against.
  • Notice that only the GM (Guild Master) can write & use these commands.

✅ 12. Jewel Bank:

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